Reason for Release:
I am releasing this Game mode due to,
the current server I am scripting for merged with
anther server, using there script instead of this one.
So I found no use to keep it around for nothing.
I due plan on updating it and releasing it when I do.
There is so much to like and so many unique things in this script.
New Jobs:
Lumber Jack
Ice-cream Driver
Licenses System:
Goto the DMV and type /getlic inside.
A dialog will appear and then select what one you want
Driving, boat, fishing, weapon.
If you select driving, you are required to go outside
and get in a Driving Test vehicle and take the test
If you go below 60 car HP, you loose.
Script Lines
I know you all are tired of GF edits, but this
you can BARLEY tell it is a GF.
* 0.3 Functions used a lot, such as Dialogs, 3D text, and bots.
* New tutorial
* Hitmen have /plantbomb which allows them to place C4 on the ground. Also a custom interior HQ.
* There is a custom hospital interior.
* A Vehicle damage system.
* A new drug system, and pot farming.
* Dialog Register / Login system.
* Seatbelt, /seatbelt.
* Hotdog van with /food for food dialog
* /nocp to disable all checkpoints.
* Cops can do /checkbelt.
* Auto-take of seatbelt when exiting a vehicle.
* Social Security number.
* RC Vehicles
* Underscore removed from names.
* Death system, at 20 HP you go into the "crack" animation. Impossible to exploit.
If enter a car with anim, it ejects you.
* New /report system.
* Anti-Money, speed, and weapon hack system.
* New Arms dealing mat running system.
* /skin in binco, brings up a dialog with skins to choose.
* New bank location and system.
* Givable Rep.
* Gang turfs
* 3D Text added to job locations
* Ammunation with /gun and a bot.
* Realistic ammo system.
* Realistic Economy.
* Medical insurance
* Saving positions on log out.
* New Paintball
* One handed weapons
* Dynamic Dealership
* Rob bank system.
* New /mdc system.
* New Register system
* New /help
* /map
* New /ah system
* New /veh
* New /goto
* /senddmv
* /gotoid
* New fishing system
* Updated 24-7 with dialogs
* New drunk system
* New LSPD system, and /duty dialog
* New prison system with custom interior
* New medic system
* Fighting styles at gym
Much Much more to discover (:
Descargas: | Suggestions | ::.
All suggestions that are liked, I will add in.
They must be one of a kind, or very good.
Hope you enjoy !!!
Alex Donuts helped with this too.
I forgot to update his script credits.
Credits to Trenton Williams, for ideas.